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Application of polysaccharide-based chiral selectors coated on superficially porous silica for separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatography
Author: levani skhirtladzeAnnotation:
In the present work separation of enantiomers of various chiral compounds were studied on the chiral stationary phases prepared on polysaccharide-based chiral selectors. Chiral selectors were coated on both, fully porous and superficially porous silica in order to study the effect of silica morphology on the chromatographic performance of obtained materials. In addition, the effect of the pore size of silica and content of the chiral selector in the chiral stationary phase on separation of enantiomers was studied.
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ზედაპირულად ფოროვან სილიკაგელზე დაფენილი პოლისაქარიდული ბუნების ქირალური სელექტორების გამოყენება ენანტიომერებიის დასაყოფად სითხურ ქრომატოგრაფიაში [ka]