
Electronic journal web-platform
Author: salome batkhadzeCo-authors: Guja Babunashvili, Giorgi Gachechiladze
Keywords: e-journal, Front-end, Bootstrap 4, Vue.js, website, laravel
In the world of globalization and computerization, print media is becoming more and more demanded by electronic version. This process also affected scientific literature, which led to the increase of scientific internet journals. The electronic scientific journal is a periodic publication, where science's progress and new research are outlined, it is one of the means of scientific information and communication. It is analogue for print media. The aim of this project is to make website that is easy to use and logically accessible. In order to achieve this goal, one of the best programs and libraries in programming are vue.js and bootstrap for the site user's part, and Laravel for the server. Site design, structure and logic was developed in the process of creating web site. The created project will enable scientists to populate their scientific projects and provide information on their own projects to a wide audience.