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Efficient Algorithm and Software Implementation for the Exam Scheduling Problem with an Example of Tbilisi State University
Author: Sopio ChikvinidzeAnnotation:
The purpose of the master’s thesis is the development of effective software for solving examination timetabling problem. Examination timetabling problem and its variations are discussed and a hybrid algorithm for solving the examination timetabling problem is presented. Desktop application for creating an examination timetable is created using the hybrid algorithm. Application is fitted to be used for Tbilisi State University. Software is tested using data obtained from the Examination Center of Tbilisi State University.
Lecture files:
ცხრილის ამოცანის ეფექტური ალგორითმი და პროგრამული რეალიზაცია თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის მაგალითზე [ka]