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Investigations in the field of synthesis of some derivatives of pyridazino[4,5-b]indole
Author: vasil badalashviliCo-authors: Akaki Kalatozishvili
Keywords: pyridazino [4, 5-b] indole
Synthesized compounds, carrying out by Condensation reactions of 2-ethoxycarbonyl-3-formyl-indole and its 5-chloride with hydrazine group of indole-2-yl-carboxyhydrazide, izonicotinoylhydrazide and p-hyd¬ra¬¬zinobenzoyc acid. Were gained Appropriate hydrazones and 3-oxycarbophenyl-4-oxo-pyridazino[4,5-b] indole. The structures of the compounds were determined by spectral methods.