
Anthropogenic relief of Kobuleti municipality
Author: Erekle KaikatsishviliKeywords: Landslide, river, relief, anthropogenic
Kobuleti municipality is featured by unique natural conditions, geological structure, landscapes, abundance of historic and cultural monuments, and strategic location, however the intensive engineering and economic activity in recent times (road construction, assimilation of territories hazardous for elemental processes, installation of high transmission antenna, construction of HPPs, and relief anthropogenization) and natural conditions have led to the large-scale activation of hazardous geodynamic processes (mudflows, erosion phenomena, landslides, abrasion, washing-out of river banks, hails, droughts) that every year is accompanied by significant material and technical losses, and evidences of human losses are also not uncommon. Multifarious geodynamic processes, such as sill flows, floods, abrasion, erosion etc. are developed at the surveyed territory. Elemental processes are spread almost throughout the area of the territory under study. Intensive engineering and economic activity is the key factor provoking development of mudflows, landslides and erosion processes against the background of favorable natural conditions. The study of the region and comparison with the current situation showed that elemental processes are activated at the territory. Proceeding from this fact, the geoecological study and assessment of Kobuleti municipality relief is of great importance, the more so against the background that the detailed geocological assessment have not been made yet in the region. So, the assessment of anthropological relief of Kobuleti municipality is the goal of the graduation work.
Lecture files:
Anthropogenic relief of the Kobuleti Municipality [en]ქობულეთის მუნიციპალიტეტის ანთროპოგენური რელიეფი [ka]