
Evaluation the role of γδ T cells in Immunopathogenesis of respiratory allergies
Author: Natela MelikidzeKeywords: Respiratory allergies, Bronchial asthma, γδ T cells, Vδ1/Vδ2 T subpopulations, IL-17, CD69
Allergy is often called as disease of our century and this viewpoint has its reason, between 10-30% of modern earth population effected from different kinds of allergic disease and in addition, the number of suffering people has tendency to rise rapidly. From the viewpoint of impact in society, it’s especially actual respiratory allergies, such as: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, polyposis and etc. In 2014 in Georgia registered 10 589 cases of asthma and asthmatic status, between them was recorded 3137 new accidents. The indicator of disease prevalence increased comparing to recent years. In addition, some of cases aren’t registered, which, to sum up, can lead to quite solid numbers. Of the immune components involved in the immunopathogenesis of respiratory allergies, γδ T cells have recently became the focus of attention. γδ T originally were described in the 1980s and since then these cells are the subject of constant interest with their roles and characteristics. Their quantity in peripheral blood is 5-10% of total T cell population, on the other hand, their number can reach 20% even 50% in epithelial and mucosal membranes. Such amount of γδ T cells in tissues mentioned above clearly suggesting their important role in forming and functioning epithelial and mucosal immunity. Considering this all, there is a consensus that the γδ T cells have a significant function in the immunopathogenesis of respiratory allergies. Along with other mediators, the γδ T cells are an important source of IL-17, which role is very important, because IL-17 expression is increased in the lung, sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and sera in patients with asthma, and the severity of disease is positively correlated with IL-17 expression levels. The major aim of our research represented to investigate the role of γδ T cell subset in in pathogenesis of respiratory allergies. The research objects were the first time diagnosed (utreated) patients with bronchial asthma. The parameters, which we have chosen for studying this research, gave the opportunity to determine to activate subsets of γδ T cells with activation marker CD69 and formation of IL-17 in subtypes of γδ T cells in in patients with bronchial asthma and in control group.