
Anthropogenic impacts on Geographical objects
Author: Tatia ChikovaniKeywords: Natural area, Natural processes, Risk zone.
Nature is the man's only living environment and used it for his well-being, although the anthropogenic influence is particularly visible in the 21st century. The study of anthropogenic impact on the nature and the prediction of changes on the nature of the landscape is of particular importance in resolving the country's economy and sustainable development tasks that should be considered in the complex with the use of environmental and natural resources. Anthropogenic impact on nature and predicting changes in landscape nature is particularly important in solving the country's economy and sustainable development objectives, which should be considered in the complex with the rational use of environmental and natural resources. The development of natural disasters in Georgia at the earliest stage, but their adverse impacts on the environment were limited by the human reasoning. This was followed by a wider range of natural processes and intensification of socio-economic situation. Georgia belongs to the region where the unprecedented emergence of natural-anthropogenic processes-activation and socio-economic problems caused by them have reached ecological crises. Different kinds of hazardous geological processes are developed here: landslides, erosion, mudflows, snow avalanches and sea waters annually make the greatest damage to the population of the region, agricultural and engineering objects and rarely endanger human victims. Under the extreme development of the processes, the damage inflicted by them is determined by a million Lari. Unstable use of the terrain caused a strong anthropogenization of relief, and in the geographical environment began to create irreversible disruptions, changes and an unprecedented scale of geological processes, and therefore, Georgia would be in high risk of frequent recurrence of technological disasters.
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