
Study of the directional resolution for the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope Optical Modules
Author: George KachlishviliKeywords: KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope
Main aim of the international KM3NeT science project is astrophysical research with the neutrinos, in particular observation of cosmic ray sources and study of the neutrino properties with a help of neutrino oscillations. To reach these goals the KM3NeT collaboration is building the new generation neutrino detectors (telescopes) in the Mediterranean Sea. Neutrino interactions are detected with the help of Cherenkov radiation, which is generated by the relativistic charged particles produced in these interactions. Cherenkov photons are detected with the optical modules(OM) of the deep-sea KM3NeT telescope. Each OM comprises several photo-multipliers(PMT). Arrival times of the Cherenkov photons in the PMT signals and the OM positions provide information for the muon track reconstruction and determination of the muon (neutrino) event parameters. In the KM3NeT optical modules, in addition to a timing information, directions of the detected photons could be reconstructed. Directional resolution of the KM3NeT OMs was studied in this work. Based on this study a new algorithm for the reconstruction of muon direction was suggested. This new method has a potential for reconstruction of muon (neutrino) events with increased precision of the event parameters.