
Provision of administration on the example of the learning process management system
Author: natalia balakhashviliCo-authors: Imeda bekaia, malkhaz gelashvili, irakli banetishvili
To administer the administration for the information system, we discuss the management process management system, in particular the example of administration. The goal of our team was to adjust the current web administration panel's modern standards, structurally correctly sorting the user interface and eliminating the problems. We have designed a new design that includes: Faculty data visualization; Students, subjects, specialties (bachelor's, master's, doctoral degree), lecturer add, edit and delete functions. Additionally, in the administration panel we added a new level user, a lecturer who did not exist in the old version. This user has the lowest level of access by comparison with other users of this panel. The project includes not only the creating of the web page design, but also the convertion of the design as a graphical interface for users, to perceive and use, using markup and programming languages. Visualization of this design is implemented using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and their frameworks (Bootstrap, jQuery).