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Chiral stationary phases prepared by covalent immobilization of polysaccharide-derivatives on superficially porous silica for separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatography
Author: Lia BezhitashviliCo-authors: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: Enantioseparations, chiral HPLC, chiral stationary phase based on superficially porous silica, covalently immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases
In this study we report for the first time the CSP obtained by covalent immobilization of a chiral selector onto the surface of SPS particles. The applicability of this CSP for the separation of enantiomers in pure methanol and acetonitrile, as well as in n-hexane/2-propanol mobile phases is shown. The effect of the injected sample amount, mobile phase flow rate and detection frequency on separation performance were studied, as well as high efficiency separation of enantiomers with the analysis time less than 30 seconds was attempted.