
Nuclear power and its ecological aspects
Author: Nodari khujadzeKeywords: Nuclear reactor, Nuclear energy, Proton, Neitron, Eleqtron
people are part of nature. Satisfaction if its material and spiritual needs and the existance is ensured by the relationship with nature. Results of human impact of last 100-200 years with its size and diversity is much bigger then the impactof previus millanium, especially in Europe and North america. Nuclear energy is a relatively new field of study. None of the production development has so sharp difference of views between supporters and opposers, as in this case. Right Nuclear power is rewiewd in this topic. Rival of the importance of Nuclear energiy is Chernobil nuclear disaster. In this work will be discussed the advantages of nuclear energy, as well as its disadvantages. Perspective developmants of Nuclear energy are still controvertial, not in a distant future there will be stand on the issue of constructing nuclear power plant in Georgia. In particular, this is acceptable, but there are many considarable factores to discuse. Nuclear energy is a real solution to an eternal energy crisis.