
Formation of Equilibrium Closed Structures in Solar Atmosphere with Account of Partially Ionized Gas Effects
Author: George MeshvelianiKeywords: Solar Atmosphere Structures, Relaxed States, Ambipolar Diffusion
Observations prove that solar atmosphere is dynamic and it has fine structure. There are variety of different scale equilibrium/quasi-equilibrium structures in the solar atmosphere which are caused by processes existing on the Sun. We study such structures. It is shown that the structures which comprise the solar corona can be created by partially ionized gas flows observed near the Sun's surface. According to the majority of existed theories Hall effect and dissipation parts take main role of forming and heating the structures, while the Ambipolar diffusion effects of the partially ionized gas was not paid adequate attention. However, newest experimental observations and research results encourage to believe in the crucial importance of Ambipolar diffusion effect leading to the account of such when studying the structure formation/heating problem; our main aim is to bring up the importance of the underlined effect. We have also carried out the comparison of our findings to old approaches and experimental results. Preliminary study shows that the number of equilibrium structure-scales increases and the illustrating picture for Solar Atmosphere becomes more colorful / fine when we take the Ambipolar diffusion into account. Theoretical results obtained in the thesis proves the magneto-fluid coupling model more realistic.