
''Study of extending fresh meat shelf life with organic acids action in refrigerated condition''
Author: Masho PanchvidzeAnnotation:
PROJECT SUMMARY (Recommended up to 200 words) Prolonging of storage length of snack food without worsening it’s quality and safety parameters is the most important problem in modern snack food industry. In this respect, one of the actual problem is prolonging of storage length of refrigerated beef, but an efficient, cheap and safe technology hasn’t found yet for this. Because, the most important parameter of meat keeping is its bacterial spoiling. So, it is a perspective way to study the possibility of microorganism restraining and then to extrapolate the results on keeping of refrigerated meat. Therein, organic acids are the perspective agents, which are being used as conservatives in food industry and their acting mechanism repression of rotting bacterial population with reducing by acidity of products is one of the cheap and effective mechanisms. Therein, it’s perspective to study action of the organic acids, because they are natural components of beef and they won’t cause gathering of different indistinctive agents in product. To study influence on the microbiological parameters of beef harmlessness will give us an opportunity to choose the effective acid or acids combination, the exposition time and processing methodology of beef. Thereupon, a technological processing scheme of refrigerated beef for prolongation time of keeping will be created. This will be positive for human health and economic.
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,,ნედლი საქონლის ხორცის, ცივად შენახვის ვადის გახანგრძლივების შესწავლა ორგანული მჟავების ზემოქმედებით’’ [ka]