
''Study of changes of the physical-chemical quality parameters under extending fresh meat shelf life by cooling''
Author: Ketevan PanchvidzeAnnotation:
Annotation - It is an actual problem to prolong the keeping process of perishable food in damp condition, especially, this is difficult for meat. For this purpose, many different strategic or tactical technologies are being researched. Although there isn’t any effective or economically realized technology because of different causes. Nowadays, the most perspective way is cooled meat treatment with organic acids for abatement or braking of development and accordingly, for prolongation of keeping time. The research foresees beef treatment with organic acids for study influence on biochemical qualitative indexes with organic acids, especially if there is a worsening process of biochemical indexes. The research includes determination of antioxidant activity, which implies definition of the enzymes - catalase and superoxid dismutaza. Also, it includes determination of malondialdehyde (MDA), ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in cold meat, manufactured with different organic acids (citric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid). After the research there will have shown influence of different acids on cooled meat. Concretely, the organic acids improved or worsed the cooled meat quality.
Lecture files:
„ნედლი საქონლის ხორცის, ფიზიკურ-ქიმიური ხარისხობრივი მაჩვენებლების ცვლილების შესწავლა ცივად შენახვის ვადის გახანგრძლივებისას“ [ka]