
Enterprise management software system
Author: omari gelbakhianiAnnotation:
The book performs the managementoftheresources in the enterprise andfull automation oftheprocesses in the one system.For wichis used ERP(Enterprice Resource planning)system. Enterprise manegement information technologies analysis was conducted,and classification has been done,critical analysis pfthese systems was conducted; Effective enterprise resource planning and control problem was formulated wich follows:Enterprises are not run in accordance with own strategy and plans,acceses to the right information in real time is usulally absent and concerns are had to be identified at early stages.many opportunities are missed.corporate objectives are not being achievef becouse workforce is not alingned with organizational objectives.Also,companies lack operational efficiency and productivity within and beyond the organization.As for the himan resources managemeng in an enterprice , companies find it really difficult to establish career and development plans for those top performers,persons wich are truly valuable resource for the company,even if there exsit such plans,they are usually not cleary defined and thus - ineffective.In such way. The work shows an example of 1C higher level system. It allows business processes to be planned and customers can get the information in real time.