
Correction of Mitomycin induced genome-wide aberrations by peptide bioregulator
Author: Giorgi TchitashviliAnnotation:
Specific treatment on Eukaryotic cells by physical or chemical agents is being reflected into concrete changes of cell genome parameters, what in itself, provides with additional possibility to understand functional features of genome parameters. To study genome-wide aberrations has a huge impact on modern ecological problems. From this perspective, searching for advanced approaches to correct genome-specific breaks has a huge importance, what ensure us to manage mutational profile, therefore determines actuality of MSc thesis. The aim of research: To detect correcting possibility of Mitomycin Induced genome functional variability by peptide bioregulator- Epitalon (Ala-Glu-Asp-Glu), which is actively used in the geriatric treatment. Set of goals: In conditions, whereas Cells are affected with different concentrations of Mytomycin in range of time interval: 1) to evaluate the level of genome instability by measuring the structural or quantitative variability of chromosomes. 2. To determine the activity of cells protein synthesis machine, by quantifying Ag-NOR and satellite associations. 3. To study the effect of Epitalon on the variability of mentioned parameters. We studied chromosomes lymphocyte cultures obtained from healthy individuals aged 20–25 years. Mitomycin at the concentrations 0,125 mkg/ ml, 0,05 mkg/ml, 0.025 mkg/ ml were added to the cultures at the onset of culture and were left for the entire period of incubation (48 h) and 24 hr respectively. Epitalon was added with single therapeutic concentrations. Ag-Nor staining techniques were used for detecting active nuclear organizing regions. Results: Based on given results it was clear, that Mitomycin characterized with dosage-dependent activity, meaning that drug damaging effects increase proportionally to Mitomycin concentration, which has the same effect on the different exposition of the agent. The expression level of fragile chromosomal sites increases due to the short affection time of Mitomycin (one cell cycle).While the Epitalon was attributed with correcting capacity and reverse altered genome parameters to the near of normal data. On the other hand, Mitomycin affected cells characterized by decrease frequency of nuclear organizing regions compared to the same parameters of the normal cell. it has been revealed that Epitalon has an ability to correct and set the mentioned parameters, as was increasing frequency of Ag-NOR blocks with the combination of Mitomycin minimal dosage. Might be considered, as Mitomycin actively used in anticancer treatment, and characterized with cell-damaging and immunodepressant activity, it would be appropriate to include Epitalon, as the protective substance, in the treatment scheme with combination of Mitomycin