
Methodology of mapping of geologic account
Author: roman kumladzeKeywords: Geology, cartography, mapping methodology
Regional geological studies of the territory of Georgia, which includes multi-purpose mapping and publishing, was last held in the 60-70s of last century. Today is certainly out of date and cannot meet modern requirements. For the last three decades, there has been a widespread recognition of geological sciences in the evolution of the Earth's crust. Mobility theory, made possible to draw up geological content maps from new positions and on their basis also made possible to predict the types of minerals. Between the Geological Map with scale 1: 200,000 and the specialty maps created for the purpose of the set are distinguished by informativeness. The information, which includes geological maps and their explanatory cards is distinguished by extensive use of Almost every sector of the industrial complex (industry, construction, energy, agriculture, environmental protection, medicine, tourism, oil and gas pipeline, railway and motorways, tunnels, water reservoirs, melioration systems construction and other) also the economic profile services. Therefore, the basic point of creation of specialized maps of geological purpose is to develop economy of the country, and its implementation is in the interests of the state.