
Study of thyroid hormones and lipid spectrum in the blood of thyroid tumors
Author: Tinatin SamuhiaAnnotation:
Thyroid gland pathologies are widely distributed group of diseases among endocrine disorders. Dislipidemia, or changes in blood lipid spectrum, is a common metabolic abnormality in patients with thyroid disease, which mostly is related to the negative effects of thyroid hormones on lipids metabolism. The aim of the study was: the study of the changes in thyroid hormones and lipid spectrum in the blood of patients with thyroid tumors. Based on the conducted studies, development of dyslipidemia has been established in case of thyroid tumors and especially in case of thyroid cancer. This alteration was revealed in increased amount of colesterol and triglycerides on the one hand and in sharp decline of high density lipoproteins amount on the other. Peripheral thyroid hormones levels were within normal reference laboratory range, but thyroid-stimulating hormone level was mildly elevated which indicates the development of subclinical hypothyroidism in women of reproductive age diseased with thyroid gland tumors. In addition, positive reationship between TSH level and the change of triglycerides and cholesterol amounts and negative interrelation between TSH and high density lipoproteins has been revealed in women of reproductive age diseasedwith bening as well as malignant thyroid tumors.
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ფარისებრი ჯირკვლის სიმსივნეებით დაავადებულთა სისხლში თირეოიდული ჰორმონებისა და ლიპიდური სპექტრის შესწავლა [ka]