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Calculation of thermodynamic parameters for the separation of enantiomeric mixtures based on chromatographic analysis
Author: beka bedeladzeCo-authors: acad. bezhan chankvetadze
Keywords: separation of enantiomers, change of enthalpy, change of entropy.
In this work, it is presented dependency of enantioselectivity on temperature for derivatives of triazol. 3 different chiral stationary phases and 1 mobile phase was used. Main objective of this study was to find which thermodynamic parameter- enthalpy or entropy was mainly influencing separation of enantiomners. Based on collected chromatographic data selectivity- α was calculated, after that Van’t Hoffs graphs (natural logarithm of selectivity lnα versus inverse absolute temperature: 1/T) was plotted. Using Van’t Hoffs plots, difference of enthalpy and entropy change was calculated for enantiomers and based on this it was possible to find out which thermodynamic parameter or parameters influenced enantiomer separation.