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Separation of enantiomers of newly synthesized chiral sulfoxides on polysaccharide-based chiral columns in HPLC and study of possible mechanisms of their chiral recognition
Author: Papuna NavdarashviliCo-authors: Ac. Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: Chiral, analytes, sulfoxides, liquid, chromatography, mobile, stationary, phase, enantiomers.
The goal of the present study was separation of enantiomers of newly synthesized chiral sulfoxides on polysaccharide-based chiral columns in high-performance liquid chromatography and establishing correlations between the structure of chiral analyte, chiral selector and the nature of the mobile phase. In addition, the elution order of enantiomers was studied with various chiral selectors in different mobile phases. Some preliminary correlations were established between the structure of chiral analytes, structure of chiral selectors, nature of mobile phase and separation selectivity.