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Gall-inducing some invertebrate animals threating on host green parts in arid regions of extreme eastern part of Georgia

Author: Tamar Nozadze

Plant galls are the result of the deformation of plant tissue. Gall-inducing organisms themselves are characterized by taxonomic diversity. From the viewpoint gall–inducing among invertebrate animals dominant is Insect class. These insects include some orders such as: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera (including superfamily Psylloidae). A side of insects, to gall-inducing invertebrates belongs phylum flat worms- Plathelminthes. Insect by depletion of the gall, i.e. teratoses are distinctive deformed vegetable tissue structures which generate some plants nourishing insect herbivores. Gall is constitutes primary microhabitat and at the same time source of food for insect larvaes. They are often caused by chemical stimulation in plant tissues from larvas or nymphs. After the formation of gall, the larvae develops internal area of gall full metamorphosis, after which imago leaves gall and are mating.the target of insects to produce the galls are latter formed from the during the vegetation period of plants. This period of plants developing cells divide quickly therefore, larvas have a rich nutrient. Temperate climate countries, it becomes spring of host plants are in countries or regions in moist tropics, evergreen plants vegetation this period of gall-inducing is prolonged. Gall formation on the green surface of host plants a certain strategy, the latter evaluated. In hosts plan’s damage area began cells proliferation (which means gall-inducing). In this way plant make itself for more safe position. On the second hand, gall-inducers are excreting ferments, which support cell proliferation. Thus, the evolutionary point of view should be make conclusion that predator (gall-inducer) and nutrient-rich host plant find the way to coexistence. Gall-inducing insects infrequently killed the hosts. This kind of coexistence one of the revealing is the fact that gall-former two way uses plant by the produced gall. First, predator makes its own microenvironment or oikos, second, show following coaction between two organisms, uses hosts as source of nutrition via multiplied cells in gall, which is represent chlorophyll-poor plant substrate; Thirdly, insect finish its larvae stage development. In such environmental conditions, the attacking creature is much more protected, i.e. isolated from its hostile biotic and abiotic factors, than that of in open areas on host plant.

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