
Systematic geografical analyzis of family Lamiaceae Bakurian-ckhrawyaro area
Author: Mariami TarimanishviliKeywords: family Lamiaceae, systematical-geografical analiz, ecotopology
The distribution, systematic, the ecological importance, as well as the treatment purposes of the family of Lamiceae at Bakuriani-Tskhratskaro areas, is studied. During the research, the field-botanical, half-hospital and hospital methods were used. Inside every site different habitats and in vertical heights, were allocated some parts. In order to demonstrate the variety of the family research object, the botanical-geographical profile was made from the bottom layer of the mountain to the upper layer. The species of the above-mentioned family was formed and the variety of eco-types was defined. There are 51 species of High-grass, recorded from research territory, which is united in 16 family and 30 species. Leading Families are: Asteraceae(18 species), Apiaceae(12 species), Dipsacaceae(4 species) Leading Species: Heracleum, Cirsium, Senecio,Cephalaria. The family of 21 Lamiceae were recorded: Acinos, Ajuga L, Ballota L, BetonicaL, Calmintha Mill, Clinopodium L, Galeopsis L, Lallemantia Fisch, lamium L, Leonurus L, Marrubium L, Mentha L, Nepeta L, Origanum L, Prunella L, Salvia L, Satureja L, Stachys L, Teucrium L, Thymus L, Ziziphora L. The family of 49 Lamiceae species were recorded. In addition, the 2 endemic species of Caucasus were recorded. Thymus collinus (Bieb.) and Ziziphora borzhomica (Juz.) The main habitats of recorded species from research territory are: Fields and Rock-hays-stone and ruble. During the research of the distribution height of species, it was confirmed that the distribution of Lamiceae consists of: Layors of wood, sub-alpine and alpine. The species of Lumiceae family, containing essential oils, honey, aromatic plants, is used more widely for different purposes, in comparison with other botanical families.
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ბაკურიანი-ცხრაწყაროს მიდამოების ოჯახ-ტუჩოსანთა Fam:Lamiacea ტაქსონომიური მრავალფეროვნება, სისტემატიკურ-გეოგრაფიული ანალიზი და ეკოტოპოლოგია [ka]