
Study of recombinant DNA degradation in broiler chicken faeces by microorganisms
Author: Ketevan SilagavaKeywords: Genetcally modified organisms (GMO), horizontal gene trasnfer, degradation of DNA
According to the legislation of Georgia, genetically modified organism is any organism (except human beings) that intended for food / animal feeding, whose genetic material is modified using unnatural (modern biotechnological) methods. At the same time, they do not belong to the traditional selection and breeding methods. GMO organisms are often use as food in humans and in animals feeding. More than 90% of the animal food in Georgia is imported from those countries who producing GMOs and accordingly, the Georgian market is filled with GMO poultry food. There is a few experimental studies about food’s DNA degradation by microorganisms in our country, so it is not clear if there is any degradation of recombinant DNA by microorganisms in the broiler chicken feces or not. Since the legislation of Georgia does not regulate the management of waste of GMO food in any way, the uncontrollable scattering of these wastes is a potential threat to the horizontal gene transfer. Object of our research were broiler chickens, their food and feces. The broiler chickens we divided into two groups: the control and experimental groups. Member of experimental groups were feeding by GMO containing food, member of control groups were feeding by non-GMO. We combined chickens feces from our experimental and control groups and also from the chicken farm. We outlined microorganisms from the ground of near chicken farm under the aseptic conditions and made dominant microbial strains cultivation of GMO soy-containing food area, as well as experimental group faces containing food area. After cultivation of microorganisms of GMO food area we studied degradation of recombinant DNA and the possible horizontal gene transfer. The recombinant DNA analysis from the broiler chicken faces has been determined that the poultry organism does not perform the complete degradation of the molecule, in contrast to the initial molecular marker area, the sequence of the recombinant DNA genome structure remains unchanged. As a result of our research we developed a new approach to rate the degradation of recombinant DNA. We found that the natural bacterial strains from the soil have no ability to degradate the GMO construction of recombinant DNA