
Study of ionexchange adsorbtion of heavy metals - Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn, Co on modified mordanite
Author: Nino GagniashviliKeywords: heavy metals, adsorbtion, mordanite
Large quantities of heavy metals compounds can be easily dissolved in water and the food chain meets in living organisms. More than one hundred polutants every day meets in different environments of the industry and causes various kinds of serious pollution of soil and water. Naturalmordeniteis less studied among other cleanings of waters,but has a special place due to its unique adsorption and ionexchange properties. The high content of mordenite allows us to use its wide application, since in our country there is no synthetic zeolite production and their purchase is quite expensive. Therefore, in reality in Georgia, the use of natural mordenite in environmental protection is of great importance. The goal of our research is to study the adsorption of ions of heavy metals ions (Zn2 +, Cu2 +, Pb2 +, Mn2 +, Co2 +) on the initial, decathonized and dehydroxilated forms of the natural zeolite-mordenite.The study of adsorption will be carried out under dynamic and static conditions. It was established that adsorption of Zn2 +, Cu2 +, Pb2 +, Mn2 + and Co2 + ions on modified samples is carried out from the model solutions according to the physical exchange adsorption mechanism.Calculations of appropriate adsorption parameters were carried out.