
Characterization of new generation organic and inorganic scintillators for the Electromagnetic calorimeter and the Cosmic Ray Veto detectors for the COMET Experiment
Author: Irakli LomidzeKeywords: High energy, Electromagnetic Calorimeter, Cosmic Ray Veto Detector
In this thesis forbidden leptonic process of muon to electron neutrinoless conversion in muonic atom μ− → e− was considered. In the Standard Model this process is forbidden, as it violates the conservation of lepton flavour for charged leptons. The experimental study of the μ− → e− conversion with a record sensitivity is planned in the COMET (Coherent Muon to Electron Transition) experiment at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in Japan. The experiment will be conducted in two Phases. The COMET Phase-I will reach the single event sensitivity of This thesis reviews Phase-I of B(μ−N → e−N ) = 3×10 −15 , while the goal for Phase-II is B(μ−N → e−N ) = 3×10 −17 . The main topic of the master thesis works is characterization of new generation organic and inorganic scintillators for the Electromagnetic calorimeter and the Cosmic Ray Veto detectors for the COMET Experiment.